Uncovering the Root Cause of Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is a behavior that can prevent us from achieving our goals and reaching our potential. It can take many forms, such as substance abuse, food use, procrastination, not committing to relationships, or being a bad friend. But what is the root cause of this behavior?Psychology Today provides insight into why and how we self-sabotage. It is often rooted in counterproductive mentalities such as negativity, disorganization, indecision, and negative self-talk.

Perfectionism and imposter syndrome are also forms of self-sabotage. Additionally, meaningless distractions can prevent us from achieving our goals. At the core of self-sabotage is a lack of self-esteem. To overcome this behavior, it is important to identify the reasons why we make decisions that prevent us from achieving our goals. One way to do this is by using Vision Boards.

This appeals to the right side of the brain that is more connected to its artistic and less rational side. Using images, sounds, scents, tactile material, etc. can help you communicate with your amygdala-driven self. Recent research has also shown that procrastination is an emotional form of self-sabotage. To combat this behavior, it is important to identify the underlying emotions that are causing it and address them in a healthy way. Self-sabotage can be a difficult behavior to overcome.

However, by understanding the root cause and taking steps to address it, we can break free from this cycle and reach our potential.